All job postings will be removed from all job boards when job status is matched with one of the following:
#1. Job is running in Internal Mobility stage only:
If job is running in Internal Mobility only, the post job action of eQuest will NOT be enabled. It should enable when the job is already released.
#2. Job is deleted:
When a job is deleted, all of job postings to job boards should be removed as well.
#3. Job is closed:
When a job is closed which means no more candidate is needed, all job posting should be removed from job boards.
#4. Job is on-hold:
When job is put on-hold (similar to temporarily closed), the job should not appear on any job board as well.
#5. Job is in approval process for external release stage (including re-approve): When job is in approval process which means it’s not published yet – the job should not appear in any job board